Config Files
Dec 4 2003
- texq3.cfg (Quake 3 Config)
- texcube.cfg (Cube-Config)
- dot.nethackrc
Opera keybindings are on a separate page.
- xmonad.hs
- dot.vimrc
- dot.vifmrc (Yes that's no typo, it's the config file for vifm, a curses based file manager with vi like keybindings.)
- dot.bashrc
- dot.screenrc
- dot.xbindkeysrc
- dot.xinitrc
- dot.Xresources
- dot.Xmodmap
- dot.fvwm2rc
- dot.inputrc
- dot.dir_colors
- dot.muttrc
Real Life Manual
Aug 4 2000
Each computer game has its own manual. Life is also a game, so where is its manual? Here it is.Note: Document is written in German.