Naturel v1.0.0
Nov 14 2008
Naturel (not to confuse with NATURAL)
is a programming language that was developed by Ralph Erdt and Andreas Textor for the
Compiler Construction class at the University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden in
winter semester 07/08. Naturel stands for "Naturel is the
Andreas Textor Und Ralph Erdt Language"
("und" is the german word for "and").We wrote a minimal standard library for Naturel and a compiler in Java that produces C code. The language is object-oriented and its syntax is inspired by C, Java, Pascal and UML. Many keywords that are not necessary for the semantics like
left out and other keywords were replaced by symbols, like +
instead of
. Comments are written like in Java and C++ using //
/* ... */
. Methods and attributes can have the visibilities public,
private and protected that are expressed using the UML-Modifiers +
and #
. A class variable uses a double modifier character
instead of the keyword static
. Overwriting of methods is allowed in
Naturel, overloading is not allowed.+a:num; // public -b:num; // private #c:num; // protected ++d:num; // public static --e:num; // private static ##f:num; // protected staticNaturel's grammar was transformed into a parser using the parser generator SableCC. The complete documentation, sample programs and source code of the compiler are contained in the downloadable package. The following block shows a short sample program that can be compiled using the compiler.
and str
the built-in data types for integers and strings, the static new
method is the
constructor of the class.
+Point { -x:num; -y:num; +getX():num { return(x); } +getY():num { return(y); } ++new(px:num, py:num) { x := px; y := py; } +addPoint(p:Point) { x := x + p.getX(); y := y + p.getY(); } +tostr():str { return("[" + x.tostr() + "," + y.tostr() + "]"); } ++main(args:str[]):num { p1:Point :=, 2); p2:Point :=, 4); out("Point 1: " + p1.tostr() + "\n"); out("Point 2: " + p2.tostr() + "\n"); p1.addPoint(p2); out("Point 1: " + p1.tostr() + "\n"); return(0); } }Note: Since the whole language including idea, grammar and compiler were created during a single semester, not all features are implemented in the compiler, especially a Garbage Collector is missing. Thus, Naturel should not be used in productive environments.
- Naturel - Compiler, Documentation and Sample programs - 4,8 MB. Note that all documentation is in German.
- Grammar in SableCC format
- zahlenraten.naturel - Zahlenraten (Number guessing game) in Naturel
- Zahlenraten.c - The C code that was generated from it
- Zahlenraten.h - The C header that was generated from it