My name is Andreas Textor, this is my personal website.
Here you can find some things I have produced so far.
Here you can find some things I have produced so far.
Dotfiles update
Feb 14 2010
Added .vimrc and xmonad.hs; updated .bashrc, .screenrc, .dir_colors.
New software: Estax
Jan 25 2009
I wrote a documentation and packaged up Estax.
Estax (Easy Static XML) is a minimalist tool for generating static websites. This site
is actually built using it.Read more, see a sample input file, download and documentation over here.
Latest changes
Nov 23 2008
I revised the site completely. The site is no longer based on a dirty-hack PHP script but
uses a home-brewn simple mini-cms based on XSLT (which I'm going to release as soon as I
have time to package it and write a minimum documentation). While being at it anyway, I
updated the content as necessary and removed some of the less interesting things, such as
old screenshots or my musical recommendations (if you're curious about my musical taste,
you can use the on the About page.Also, I decided to stop maintaining the site in two languages, because that's just too much work. It was a hard decision which language to continue and which to drop, and as you can see, I decided to drop German (which is my native language) and continue English, because there are probably more visitors that are capable of reading English and not German than the other way round.
Nov 22 2008
- 31.10.2011: pacinstall 0.2 released
- 14.02.2010: Added .vimrc and xmonad.hs, updated .bashrc, .screenrc, .dir_colors
- 05.11.2009: Added .vifmrc
- 25.10.2009: Added Opera keybindings in Opera.
- 25.01.2009: New software added: Estax, a static website generator.
- 06.04.2008: New software added: Naturel (programming language); page is now IE compatible.
- 06.10.2007: New software added: fishtank (OpenGL fish swarm simulation)
- 07.05.2007: genplant 0.3 released.
- 01.05.2007: genplant 0.2 released.
- 10.04.2007: New software added: genplant (L-System plant generator and renderer
- 07.03.2007: New software added: Mineheern's Lair (Fantasy dungeon exploration game)
- 01.03.2007: New software added: Witchcraft (Java Arcade Game)
- 17.06.2006: New software added: Zik Zak (OpenGL thinking and reaction game)
- 19.03.2006: New software added: pacinstall (checkinstall equivalent for Arch Linux)
- 16.02.2006: Rewrote the site, changed the design, sorted the old content and added new content.
- 17.03.2005: Small Update: dotfiles
- 07.09.2004: Big site update
- 04.09.2004: texburn 0.4 released.
- 09.11.2003: Added PekWM-theme "Retro" in misc section.
- 30.10.2003: Site now also available in English.
- 03.09.2003: Personal section added
- 03.07.2003: texburn 0.3 released, now also apt-gettable for Debian Users :)
- 20.05.2003: texburn 0.2e released.
- 08.05.2003: texburn 0.2d released (pure bugfix release).
- 29.04.2003: Demoplay 0.5 with a lot of new features is available on the software page.
- 12.04.2003: New software "texburn" added to the software page.